Call for showcase session proposals
Submit your Showcase Session proposal by sending us a PDF to
Showcase Sessions
We are now accepting submissions for showcase proposals for tutorials, demos, hands-on sessions, research projects, panel discussions, and other kinds of sessions related to zero knowledge proofs that will take place during our Research & Industry Showcase day.
Important Dates
February 15th, 2019, 23:59 (UTC): submission for showcase proposals are due March 1st, 2019: notifications will be sent An early submission will likely receive early notification.
Submission Requirements
Please submit a PDF of up to two pages describing the showcase session, including the following:
- Name or title of the showcase session
- Name, affiliation, email and a short bio of the organizers / speakers
- A description of the proposed showcase session and its relevance to the ZKProof community
- The estimated length (in hours) and the number of sub-sessions in the showcase
Basic Information
We have booked a few spaces within the same venue to facilitate several parallel sessions and we will match each satellite workshop to meet the general schedule of the day. ZKProof will be providing the following:
- Room with screen and projector
- Food (light breakfast, sponsored lunch, coffee breaks)
- Internet access
Please be in touch if there are additional logistical or equipment needs.
Evaluation Criteria
The Steering Committee will decide which satellite workshops will be admitted to the 2nd ZKProof Workshop, based on the following criteria:
- Given the limited amount of conference rooms available, sessions will be selected based on their novelty, importance, and interest that they may bring to the ZKProof community.
- We will aim to balance the number of industry talks with the number of academic talks, as well as a balance between long and short sessions.
For any questions email us at